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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Modern Family

So, I love Modern Family! There, I said it.I was just browsing, and saw some awesome pics! Here they are!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Suprising Pixar Facts

Mr. Incredible in Finding Nemo

                       Want to know a secret? I am a      huge COLOSSAL Pixar fan! My favorite movie is The Incredibles! So anyway, I was surfing the web looking for cool Pixar facts when I stumbled upon some of this awesome stuff!!!! : ) 

Doc Hudson in The Incredibles
The Pizza Planet Truck in other Pixar Movies

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Its My Birthday!!!

OK, so guess who's awesomely awesome birthday is on the 26th?
MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To celebrate, I'm giving you a present (in a way.)!
Here are some pictures and videos.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kites And Flyers

Time after time, we all have our head too high in the clouds. Every now and then we feel torn between one thing and another. For example giving up a part-time career for family because the career is eating up all of your family time. There is one way to resolve the matter. Find a close loved one and get them to inspire and pop some sense into you. Plus, there's nothing wrong with being just you. "We appreciate what you did in the old days but those days are over."- The Incredibles. So for my closing statement i'd like to quote someone extremely wise, astonishing, and friendly. ME!

"Every kite needs a flyer, for if the flyer let's go, 
the kite will fly away."

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The End.

All dreams have an end. Its the ugly truth, but...well... its true. I just got home from my Bahamian vacation (I bet you know where my port of call was). The ship was called the Disney Dream. I kept on saying to myself, "I'm living the dream, the Disney Dream." But you guessed it, my dream came to an end. Sometimes its sad to get one of these wake up calls, like when your leaving your aunt or uncle's house. On the other hand its good. For example, I get to see my dog again. Plus, the theater company I was in this summer is doing a few musical numbers from the play at this big event my hometown has. Besides, there is nothing like a good look into reality. 

This is the Disney Dream

This is my play.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Tomorrow is my mom's birthday, and I wrote her a poem. I scribbled it down at the last minute, so here's what I got. (Please don't copy!!!!)

Ode to Moms!!!

Who does the dishes, makes the beds, kisses goodnight to the sleepyheads? Who cooks and cleans, is tough and mean, who couldn't we live without? A MOM! No doubt as you can see can trim a shrub of climb a tree! Ode to moms! Ode to moms!
Ode to Ginny my awesome mom!

Hope you enjoyed! Keep on writing poetry!!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Importance of a Dad.

   This Father's Day, we all get gifts for our dads, shower them with hugs and kisses, and spend as much time as possible with them. But think, they've done so much more! My dad, the youngest of five kids (three girls and two boys), did so many inspiring things in his life! He played football at Stanford University, and got tackled by a 300 lbs linebacker and still throws me around like I'm as light as a feather! My dad is also president of TCCC (Transnational Coaches central Coast) a place for coaches to learn how to coach their players into better men. My dad has a blog like me with this kind of stuff. His blogs are ideas which brings us to his summer goal: Writing and Publishing a book! My dad has big goals and I know he's going to accomplish so much! Happy Father's day!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Tips For Friendships 2#

One of the most dreadful, hurtful, HORRENDOUS things a girl experiences is again not puberty. Exclusion. If you put yourself on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being a total bully magnet/nerd and 10 being miss perfect/ rich wears designer well, EVERYTHING, most girls put themselves at 5 6 and 4 (or even 3 if you hate yourself THAT much!). Exclusion is like a lie detector only the friend version. If your "friends" hang out with each other more than you then *ZAP* goes the friend detector! They're not YOUR friends. But I can't decide if MY friend detector friends are REALLY my friends! They're so on and off! I might need to have an expert answer this one but for now, just stick with your non on  and off friends. I'm kinda running out of ideas so I'm just gonna end it right here.  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tips For Friendships 1#

Every girl experiences something every girl hates and no, it's not puberty (thank god!). Its having you're friends move. Admit it, this awful thing has happened to you AT LEAST once. Whether she or he moves to a different town, city, suburb, state, other side of the country, or to another country in general! Trust me, I know what feels like! In every class I've ever been in, someone (who I was really close with) moved to a different place. This feeling makes everybody cringe!  But the're are some ways to get over it (read and treasure). That brings us readers, to TIP FOR FRIENDSHIP NUMBER ONE! Just because your friend is moving, doesn't mean you still can't stay in contact. Before the leave get their: Phone number, email address, home address etc. This way you keep contact as much as you want! hope this helps!

P.S Also works with relatives!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Originality + Personality = YOU!!!

I know you hear this a lot, and I know you think it's stupid, and if you're me, this is kind of hard IMPOSSIBLE to do. But be original! Be yourself! Be you! I know what you're thinking, "What if someone else's style is something I'd like to try?" Then don't wait for a written invitation, JUST GO FOR IT! But, then again if TOO many people make this jump, then everybody looks the same (like totally boring!). In addition, don't live by everything that's hot and not . What I mean by that is for example let's say legwarmers are the new bracelet (keep in mind this is just an example). The price has gone up a ton! So the average girl can't afford it. When she has enough money to buy the legwarmers she heads straight to the mall!
She buys the legwarmers, and wears them all over town. The average girl feels like the so called "cool girl" because she's wearing the things. But two days later they're out of style so last season! This sad, waste-of-money cycle goes on forever. But, if girl kind starts wearing the legwarmers girl kind bought, they might even go back in style! And now I'll show my concluding equation of fashion!

Originality + Personality = YOU!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Negativity Can Be Positivity

There's a thing everyone sometimes has. The rich, the poor, the celebrities, even me! That nasty thing is....SELF NEGATIVITY! I somehow learned over the years screaming and balling into my pillow isn't gonna let you get your way. As I got older,(I still screamed and balled into my pillow) I started saying one or two negative things about myself. As most kids already know, most moms think this is a no-no. But hey, it worked for me! So next time you're balling (or sobbing) screaming (or yelling) into that poor innocent pillow of yours, try (just try) self negativity. Don't use too much or you'll start screaming and balling even more. The reason why this crazy obscure thing actually works is well it's kind of like taking out the trash! Sounds crazy right? Well you're just taking all of those negative, bad, self-esteem-crushing, feelings and throwing them away! So if you ever have another bad day,( a screaming and balling one) sprinkle yourself with a pinch of self-negativity and take out YOUR hurtful trash! Try this and after that think to yourself  negativity CAN be positivity.