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Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Importance of a Dad.

   This Father's Day, we all get gifts for our dads, shower them with hugs and kisses, and spend as much time as possible with them. But think, they've done so much more! My dad, the youngest of five kids (three girls and two boys), did so many inspiring things in his life! He played football at Stanford University, and got tackled by a 300 lbs linebacker and still throws me around like I'm as light as a feather! My dad is also president of TCCC (Transnational Coaches central Coast) a place for coaches to learn how to coach their players into better men. My dad has a blog like me with this kind of stuff. His blogs are ideas which brings us to his summer goal: Writing and Publishing a book! My dad has big goals and I know he's going to accomplish so much! Happy Father's day!

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