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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Finding Friends


Believe me, its not easy to make new friends
I had a hard time myself but, now I'm in a group of super nice people that I'm really good friends with!
Wanna know my strategy? For years I was what I like to call a floater. I would float around between different groups for a while and weasel my way into the one I liked best. You should totally try this! It worked for me there's no reason why it can't work for you! If you dig deep enough, then your gonna get gold.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Modern Family

So, I love Modern Family! There, I said it.I was just browsing, and saw some awesome pics! Here they are!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Suprising Pixar Facts

Mr. Incredible in Finding Nemo

                       Want to know a secret? I am a      huge COLOSSAL Pixar fan! My favorite movie is The Incredibles! So anyway, I was surfing the web looking for cool Pixar facts when I stumbled upon some of this awesome stuff!!!! : ) 

Doc Hudson in The Incredibles
The Pizza Planet Truck in other Pixar Movies

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Its My Birthday!!!

OK, so guess who's awesomely awesome birthday is on the 26th?
MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To celebrate, I'm giving you a present (in a way.)!
Here are some pictures and videos.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kites And Flyers

Time after time, we all have our head too high in the clouds. Every now and then we feel torn between one thing and another. For example giving up a part-time career for family because the career is eating up all of your family time. There is one way to resolve the matter. Find a close loved one and get them to inspire and pop some sense into you. Plus, there's nothing wrong with being just you. "We appreciate what you did in the old days but those days are over."- The Incredibles. So for my closing statement i'd like to quote someone extremely wise, astonishing, and friendly. ME!

"Every kite needs a flyer, for if the flyer let's go, 
the kite will fly away."